Survival of the Fittest Wiki

Name: Sean

Location: The Houston area, unfortunately

Age: 16

V4 Characters: Joe Rios, Rose Codreanu, Milo Taylor

Fun Facts:

  • Was originally known on SOTF as RaggedDruid. We... don't talk about him.
  • Mimi has a strange crush on me. It's simultaneously adorable and terrifying.
  • I fully intend to drag my friends into this, although whether they'll be any good at RPing remains to be seen.
  • I have never done a full self-insert, although Joe Rios and Milo Taylor both have shades of my personality; I guess you could say they represent my light side and my dark side, in a sense.
  • I'm not a fan of RPing evil characters, considering what happened when I tried in V3. Anti-heroes and idiots, sure, but I don't think I could do a full-on monster.
  • I can be a gigantic douche at times, as my past history will make very clear, but I'm trying to get better.
  • My life is a giant clusterfuck of bizarre coincidences and drama, so if I start angsting in the chat, just bear with me.
  • Although I am an anime fan, I'm not as much of one as a certain memetic character would make you think.